As per Cisco official site definition of FPD:
An FPD refers to any programmable hardware device on a router, which includes a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) and Read Only Memory Monitor (ROMMON). Cisco IOS® XR routers use a number of FPDs that are crucial for the function of route processors, line cards, shared port adapters (SPAs), SPA Interface Processors (SIPs), and fan trays.
Sample of upgrading fpd in ASR9000 running in IOS-XR. Linecard used is 24x10GE Tomahawk linecard.
A. Check first the linecards installed
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR9K-BOX#show platform
Fri Mar 27 09:00:23.066 SGP
Node Type State Config State
B. See if need to upgrade , it will indicate Yes if need to upgrade.
Show it using this command "admin show hw-module fpd location all"
It will tell below that one of the FPDs need an upgrade. Type "yes" to reload"
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR9K-BOX#admin show hw-module fpd location all
===================================== ==========================================
Existing Field Programmable Devices
HW Current SW Upg/
Location Card Type Version Type Subtype Inst Version Dng?
============ ======================== ======= ==== ======= ==== =========== ====
0/4/CPU0 A9K-24X10GE-1G-SE 1.0 lc cbc 0 47.03 No
lc rommon 0 18.24 Yes
lc fpga2 0 1.87 Yes
lc fsbl 0 1.104 Yes
lc lnxfw 0 1.104 Yes
lc fpga3 0 1.00 No
lc fpga4 0 1.09 Yes
1. One or more FPD needs an upgrade. This can be accomplished
using the "admin> upgrade hw-module fpd <fpd> location <loc>" CLI.
2. ^ One or more FPD will be intentionally skipped from upgrade using CLI with option "all" or during "Auto fpd".
It can be upgraded only using the "admin> upgrade hw-module fpd <fpd> location <loc>" CLI with exact location.
C. Upgrade the FPD using the command "admin> upgrade hw-module fpd <fpd> location <loc>"
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR9K-BOX(admin)#upgrade hw-module fpd all location 0/4/CPU0
* This upgrade operation has a maximum timout of 90 minutes. *
* If you are executing the cmd for one specific location and *
* card in that location reloads or goes down for some reason *
* you can press CTRL-C to get back the RP's prompt. *
* If you are executing the cmd for _all_ locations and a node *
* reloads or is down please allow other nodes to finish the *
* upgrade process before pressing CTRL-C. *
- The upgrade operation of the target module will not interrupt its normal
operation. However, for the changes to take effect, the target module
will need to be manually reloaded after the upgrade operation. This can
be accomplished with the use of "hw-module <target> reload" command.
- If automatic reload operation is desired after the upgrade, please use
the "reload" option at the end of the upgrade command.
- The output of "show hw-module fpd location" command will not display
correct version information after the upgrade if the target module is
not reloaded.
NOTE: Chassis CLI will not be accessible while upgrade is in progress.
Continue ? [no]: yes
FPD upgrade in progress on some hardware, reload/configuration change
on those is not recommended as it might cause HW programming failure
and result in RMA of the hardware.
Starting the upgrade/download of following FPDs:
=========== ==== ======= ======= =========== =========
Current Upg/Dng
Location Type Subtype Upg/Dng Version Version
=========== ==== ======= ======= =========== =========
0/4/CPU0 lc rommon upg 18.24 18.27
lc fpga2 upg 1.87 1.88
lc fsbl upg 1.104 1.110
lc lnxfw upg 1.104 1.110
lc fpga4 upg 1.09 1.11
FPD upgrade in progress. Max timeout remaining 89 min.
FPD upgrade in progress. Max timeout remaining 88 min.
FPD upgrade in progress. Max timeout remaining 87 min.
FPD upgrade in progress. Max timeout remaining 86 min.
FPD upgrade in progress. Max timeout remaining 85 min.
Successfully upgraded rommon for A9K-24X10GE-1G-SE on location 0/4/CPU0 from 18.24 to 18.27
Successfully upgraded fpga2 for A9K-24X10GE-1G-SE on location 0/4/CPU0 from 1.87 to 1.88
Successfully upgraded fsbl for A9K-24X10GE-1G-SE on location 0/4/CPU0 from 1.104 to 1.110
Successfully upgraded lnxfw for A9K-24X10GE-1G-SE on location 0/4/CPU0 from 1.104 to 1.110
Successfully upgraded fpga4 for A9K-24X10GE-1G-SE on location 0/4/CPU0 from 1.09 to 1.11
FPD upgrade has ended.
D. Reload the linecard that was upgraded using the command "hw-module location <loc> reload". Press y to reload.
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR9K-BOX(admin)#hw-module location 0/4/CPU0 reload
WARNING: This will take the requested node out of service.
Do you wish to continue?[confirm(y/n)]y
E. Verify again after reload. "No" means no longer need to upgrade , and it was successfully upgraded.
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR9K-BOX(admin)#show hw-module fpd location all
===================================== ==========================================
Existing Field Programmable Devices
HW Current SW Upg/
Location Card Type Version Type Subtype Inst Version Dng?
============ ======================== ======= ==== ======= ==== =========== ====
0/4/CPU0 A9K-24X10GE-1G-SE 1.0 lc cbc 0 47.03 No
lc rommon 0 18.27 No
lc fpga2 0 1.88 No
lc fsbl 0 1.110 No
lc lnxfw 0 1.110 No
lc fpga3 0 1.00 No
lc fpga4 0 1.11 No
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